• Gardinól Eco-1

Gardinól Eco-1 is a multi-use oil. Eco-1 can be used on almost anything, garden sheers, locks, hinges, bed springs, nearly anything with moving parts. Whilst other brands use PTFE which is bad for the environment and the production of which is carcinogenic, Gardinól is superior. It utilizes plant based ingredients and is totally biodegradable.

 Gardinól works like 3-in-1 oil, for garden tools, hinges and almost anything.

 Launched in 2023 on Kickstarter, Gardinól is great for your garden shed, home or office!

- Over 570 uses

- Displaces Water

- Prevents Rust 

- Lubricates

- Made in Britain

- Biodegradable

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Gardinól Eco-1

  • Product Code: Gardinól Eco-1
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £14.99

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